welcomn every1 2 the siLvagunner king 5 another day tournant, 2day we will introduce areselves
Why that’s correct! Before the tournament and the pre-match interviews kick-off, Hypercam and I would like to formally introduce ourselves!
henlo i am unregistered hypercam 2, i was in k4aday 1 and i won so now i’m the host lol
And I’m Meowth- official interviewer for the tournament! Together, HyperCam and I are gonna question all your fav-
Oh, that’s right, Wobbuffet is here too, acting as security.
wobaba wobbob wob
A-as I was saying, I’m Meowth! As the official interviewer of the tournament, I shall conduct interviews with everyone before their matches as they gear up for battle!
vry exiting. fun fackt i found mewoth on the subway ride here once lol
Hey, that isn’t important right now! Anyways, now that you know who we are, we would also like to go over what exactly SiIvaGunner: King for Another Day is! In this grand tournament, 32 contestants- whether they’re going in solo or acting as a team- will compete in 1v1 battles to see who comes out on top! Everyone has a source list of music, and who you deem the best is voted to win the match, and maybe the entire tournament!
Once voting does start, please be sure to vote responsibly! Consider the source lists very, very carefully- even if you may normally not pay either any attention. Don’t give your precious vote to a contestant just cuz their art is prettier!
the art is vry prettie ty art team i lov u, but yeas vote respnonsibly i didnt do taht once and i CRIED !
Yes, very sad. Now that you know what KfAD is, it’s time to shed more light on what you’re all here for- contestant interviews! All interviews will be held here on the mojo before the fighters jump into the fray, with me and HyperCam here asking them questions about them, their source lists, and maybe even who they’re up against!
oo oooo ooo mouth plz tell them about the studio
Oh yeah, that’s right! All interviews will be conducted here at Studio Gunner!

Here at the Studio, a variety of things are going on outside the interviews. Some contestants- including a few guests from contestant’s source lists- work on things while partaking in the tournament. We have everything: music production, TV show filming, even some games are produced here! And any contestants not working on something in the studio usually stay over at the Gaylord Hotel, located across the street from us now.

meoth, can u beleive it k4ad starts soon !! itx like cristmas evee (xcept john tol dme to not talk abt that holiday)
Why yes, the day is finally upon us! After almost a year of anticipation, speculation, and hype- we’re finally ready to start! If you’re reading this the day it goes up, the tournament starts tomorrow!
It’s very important to know how to vote- if you haven’t already, here is a link to the official “How to Vote” video!
vote resposibvly or i will dislike and rate u 1 star + cry agai n
Now that we’ve gone through everything, any final comments from the Host?
yeh. wob wobba wobbab wob wababba
Eheh, guess not. Goodbye everyone, please look forward to both the interviews and the tournament as a whole!

※ NOTE: A few interviews might have special art done for them; however, not all will. Please do not expect new art for everyone!