[From somewhere… an interview] – Quote Interview

Unregistered HyperCam 2

helo every1 we have anothr k4ad interveiew for you today with Cave Story’s Quote! take it away Meowth


Thanks HyperCam! Evening folks, let’s get right into it! So, Quote, for our first question… Why did you accept the invitation to the tournament?


Uhh, guess you don’t wanna answer that? Perfectly fine with me, we can just move to the next question! So, what makes you a fierce contestant?


Not a very talkative one, are ya? Okay, how about this one… What will you do when you have control of the SiIvaGunner channel?


Alright, buddy, say something already! The audience is craving your answers! If you don’t answer they might thi-

(Curly bursts in.)
Curly Brace

Quooooote!! Have you seen my p– Ooh, a kitty!


Hey! You can’t just barge in like that, we’re in the middle of an important interview here!

Curly Brace

You’re such a cute kitty! Quote, can we keep him?


Ugh, fine, you can stay. So, uh, where were we… Here’s a good one: Your profile says you’re the king of indie games, do you know what this implies?

Curly Brace

Oh! I didn’t know Quote was a king! Why didn’t you tell me, Quote?! Can you make me the queen of indie games or whatever?


Hey, *I* am asking the questions here! I-I’m sorry, my dear viewers… Uh… Quote! Do you have anything to say on this “King of Indie Games” thing?



Curly Brace

I’m still confused, what are these “indie games” and how can you be a king of them?


Well, if you must know, indie games are video games made by smaller developers. Usually small teams or even just a single person!

Curly Brace

Oooh, that sounds so cool!


You bet! It’s amazing what people can achieve on their own! Alright, now for our last few questions! Quote, your weapon of choice is the Polar Star, I like to ask how it wor-

Curly Brace

Quooote!! Why are you still using that cruddy gun? You should be using your Missile Launcher or my Machine Gun if you’re going to be fighting! Wait, is that why you’re here? Quote, you’re going to be fighting this kitty?!


N-Not me!! He’s going to be fighting the other contestants! This is the King for Another Day tournament, where contestants gather to compete for the crown and control over the SiIvaGunner channel!

Curly Brace

Oh, that’s… probably… cool? What’s SiIvaGunner?


I’d explain, but we don’t have much time for the interview! Quote, the first opponent you’ll face is ZUN. He’s the creator of the Touhou series of games and our resident alcohol expert. Any thoughts about him?

Curly Brace

You mean that guy chugging those 60 ounce beers just outside the room? He seems pretty flimsy to me. Only thing he’d hurt is my ears with that trumpet of his!


Now for our final question… What? Oh, it looks like we’re all outta time! Thanks for the interview, Quote! Good luck in your first round!

Curly Brace

Bye kitty! Now, why was I here again? Oh, right! Quote, have you seen my panties anywhere?


…[You feel this situation has gotten too awkward.]