helo every1 and welcom to an interveiw with the team law and disorder. b4 we continue, we would liek everyon to press 7 to pay respects to mr bean, who iz still snoozing @ the hospitle
Alright, after that short moment of silence for Mr. Bean, I would like to clarify the situation to anyone unaware. Mr. Bean was in charge of helping send out some of the KfAD invites to some contestants. On September 20th, he was announced to be in through a video of him sending himself 2 invites (Although the initial reveal on youtube was him dancing due to strict copyright.)
But, on the afternoon of September 21st, 2019, Mr. Bean was attacked on studio grounds- right inside his own dressing room!
vry sad :(
Indeed. Mr. Bean is currently in a coma at the hospital, and I am unaware of any updates. In fact, HyperCam and I plan to visit him sometime soon, but that’s beside the point right now.
After the attack, and the attacker Maya Fey was arrested, the invitations Mr. Bean sent to himself turned out to belong to team Law and Disorder all along!
yeyeye. now that tat is cleared up, lez find the mr phoenix and monokomu 4 the interveiw!
Agreed! They should be inside Mr. Bean’s dressing room, room #3, now!
Ugh… for the last time, we don’t get matching jackets! I wouldn’t even care to wear it, I look better in my suit than I would in some cruddy numbered jacket.
C’monnnnn! Wouldn’t it just be so cool? Both of us riding into battle in Exisals, wearing sweet #32 jackets and shades! Everyone would vote for us!
Right now I think I’m more worried about proving Maya’s innocence… (again…)
Then how about posters? I can see it now: Me and my rippling muscles surrounded by alllll the ladies, with the text “Vote Monokuma | All my homies love Monokuma”! It would guarantee my win of the tournament!
(Man, he just does NOT shut up… Wait, why does the poster have to be about him?! We’re supposed to be a team!)
Ahem, gentlemen?
Ugh, if it keeps you busy and out of my hair then go for it. I haven’t even been able to question the people who were here at the time of the attack, let alone check to see if the list you gave me was even accurate.
I’d never lie in a Monokuma file! Scouts honor!
Uhh, hello?
Then I’m sure you’ll be fine and dandy once I’ve collected all the evidence. Now, can you please leave me be to investigate?
Nope! If team Law and Disorder is gonna win, we gotta stick together and talk game! How we’re gonna win! What we’re doing once we’ve won! So, going back to the jackets, I rea-
EY ! ! !
shushup u stinkers, we have an interview to run >:ccc
(Oh lord, more small creatures…)
Whaddya want?? Can’t you see I’m trying to go over strategies on how to propel #TeamKuma to victory!?
Please, the interview shouldn’t last too long- promise!
Sorry but I have my hands filled with this investigation. (And the bear. Why can’t witnesses just cooperate with me..?)
Plus, this is a crime scene. You aren’t allowed to be in here if you aren’t tied to the case. Did Gumshoe not stop you outside?
Hah! You said it, Pal!
Well, if we can’t do an interview, what are we going to post on the Mojo for your matchup?
Phuhuhu, why don’t you go see little miss Maya~? If they let me just waltz in there, I’m sure you’d be fine!
Hey, wait! Did you go see Maya without me?! What did you talk to her about??
Phuhuhu, not telling~
uh o, mr nick rite loosk mad. mouth, we shuld git outta here b4 thye start 2 fite.
Good call, lets head to the Detention Center!
Hello, Ms. Fey? Do you wish to answer some questions we have regarding the King for Another Day Tournament?
OOO! Hypercam and Meowth! Hello! I’d love to do the interview!! Why me though, aren’t Nick and that cute teddy bear the ones who are contestants?
Wonderful! And yes, they are, but they seem pretty, uh, “preoccupied” at the moment, so we thought we’d give you a visit instead.
Ah, makes sense! So, what did you want to ask?
Well, I’d like to start by asking- and forgive me if this is kinda rude, but did you do it? I don’t wanna believe it, but I heard the police caught you trying to steal one of the letters, and that it had to have been you!
What?? Of course not! Nick’s gonna prove as much in court- just you wait!
Well then, how do you feel about the tournament? Think team Law & Disorder will make it far?
I think it’s super cool! I’ve been a fan of SiIvaGunner for a long time, and I have no doubt that Nick has what it takes to make it to the top!
So, you knew of SiIvaGunner before the tournament?
Yeah! I’ve been following for a while now, maybe since early 2017? Right before the channel paused, if I remember correctly.
Very cool! Now, what are your opinions on the Law and Disorder source list?
I love it! “Mystery” gives them so much potential- Professor Layton, Ghost Trick, even stuff like Mystery Skulls and Gravity Falls! Plus they get court-related songs, too!
I hear they even get “Who Let the Dogs Out,” which is pretty funny to me.
eben blues clues i lov tat show. how 2 watch blus clus free episods online (working july 2018)
Oh yeah! We haven’t even mentioned Ace Attorney or Danganronpa- So yes, I’d say I’m pretty confident in Nick. He didn’t say it, but me caring so much about KfAD is probably why he didn’t just let Monokuma enter alone. He’ll fight his hardest to win while solving the case, even if he can’t seem to get along with Monokuma- I just know it!
daw c:
How sweet! Anything else you’d like to add before we finish?
Ooo, you might want to see this! It’s a copy of the file that Monokuma made. It pertains to the case so I don’t even know if I’m allowed to have it…
Woah, nice! I’m sure the fans at home would love to see this. Thank you for your time, Ms. Fey!
Mhm! You better believe the real attacker will be brought to justice, for both me and poor Mr. Bean’s sake! Oh, and one last thing, tell Fanserver I said hi!
okey :>
Monokuma File—
A tablet of some sort, designed to display information. Seems pretty sturdy.