Hey everyone and welcome to a very special interview!
we have som very cool guys here whith us 2day.
That’s right! why don’t you guys introduce yourselves?
Nyeh, whats up doc? The names chungus, and im the leader of this crew of maroons.

So why didn’t you guys show up the first time we asked you to come?
What? We did. YOU were the ones who didn’t show up.
Wait, what?
Yeah we pulled up to this place, but all the doors were locked so we went back home.
Oh… alright then. How about you tell us about your teammates?
Sure. Here with me is my good friend Ugandan Knuckles.
Hello bruddah. I was told I could have de queen if I became de king.
And of course, Crash Bandicoot.
We’re here to win this darn tournament through any cartoonish methods possible.
Oh you think you’re part of the tournament?
Of course we are. You saw that direct right? It’s gonna be a breeze if our opponents are a cell phone and a pickle. Though I am worried about going against another rabbit.
I am looking forward to putting dat Mario to shame with de entire sonic the hedgehog franchise.
*Meowth to HyperCam whispering* Should we uh… tell them?
no lol this is 2 funy.
back to cmt: so guys what r ur motivations to b come the king for anohter day?
Well personally, I’d like to put that Elmer Fudd fellow in his place. Just cause he’s camping outside my home, don’t mean he can put his tent at my door, yknow?
Actually bugs- er I mean Big Chungus, haven’t you been a king before?
Ah yeah i remember that. Back when i knighted the Sheriff of Nottingham. Heh. Too bad it was just a disguise.
oh right! I forgot that you’re somewhat of a master of disguise. Wait. wait no i didn’t mean to say it that w-
lol no go away dumass.
…Anyway, we already heard your motivation, knuckles.
Yes, my Ugandan instinct led me to this very place bruddah.
Yeah! And uh how about you crash?
oh god
Oh lord not again. Crash come on we have to win this!
Bruddah! Why are you running??? This is not de wae!!!
Uh… Oh jeez i think we’re gonna have to cut this short, Please be sure to “vote” for these guys in the tournament! Thanks for watch- OH CR-