Mahi Mahi Riding The Bassline

*Mariya sits in the lobby of the Gaylord Hotel lost in thought. She was quite impressed with the music the Jack Bros. had started off with but didn’t expect to be so invested in the match’s results. The defeat wasn’t enough to lower her spirits, but the prospect of facing her next formidable opponent was looming in her mind. A spiky-haired figure makes his way towards Mariya.*
DJ Professor K

Hey, hey! If it ain’t the newest kid on the block!

Mariya Takeuchi

Oh. Why, hello there. I’m afraid we haven’t spoken before?

DJ Professor K

Allow me to introduce! I’m the one and only DJ straight from the streets of Tokyo-to, Professor K! It’s a real honor to be able to speak with ya, Takeuchi. I’ve gotta say, you and your husband got some of the grooviest tracks known to man! Life was never a drag with them funky records spinnin’.

Mariya Takeuchi

Ah, well, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. K. I’m glad you’re a fan of my work.

DJ Professor K

Hmm. I’m hearin’ the words but how come I ain’t feelin’ em? Somethin’ on ya mind?

Mariya Takeuchi

Oh, well, I guess I’ve been thinking about some of the matches so far. Can’t seem to get my mind away from anything else… it’s nothing I should be sharing, though. I’m sure I’ll be fine.

DJ Professor K

Come on now, Mariya, feel free to tell me all about it! I’ll hear ya out, champ.

Mariya Takeuchi

I just don’t know. I’ve been enjoying my time here in the future and all, really! All the music from the other contestants has been outstanding as well! I just don’t think I’m ready to say goodbye to everyone so soon.

DJ Professor K

Hey, hey! Who says losing means goodbye? You’ll still be able to stick around for the ride!

Mariya Takeuchi

That’s the thing, I’m still not quite sure what it was that brought me from the past in the first place, but I have a feeling that whatever it is that decided to bring me here will want to send me right back home after I lose.

DJ Professor K

(What in da world is she talking about now…?) Well that don’t sound like the Mariya I know and love. You gotta keep your head in the game, sport!

Mariya Takeuchi

Well, I’m supposed to be facing that “Off the Hook” group next. I’ve heard they nearly won last year’s tournament, I don’t think I’ll be able to keep up with a veteran like that.

DJ Professor K

You look here, Mariya. I want ya to know I got booted out of the tournament Round 1 last year, much like you did here.

DJ Professor K

Better believe it! And there was no loser’s bracket around back then, I was done for!

Mariya Takeuchi

Oh dear… I’m sorry to hear that.

DJ Professor K

If I’m gonna speak the truth, it was no fun. But I gotta give props to the team here at the studio. They went and put up a track for me after the fact, and a lotta people out there changed their minds after hearing what I had to show! Best of all, look where I’m at now! We’re all back here again a year later, and these voters just can’t get enough of Jet Set Radio’s funky fresh beats!

Mariya Takeuchi

I suppose that’s interesting to think about… I’m just afraid there’s not much I can think to do to keep me up against a powerful opponent such as Off the Hook.

DJ Professor K

Keep them spirits up now, sister! Unlike my case, you’ve got a losers’ bracket helpin’ ya out! No waiting a year to show people what they been missing out on, you could turn things around with this next match! You just gotta hit the right notes, and I think I could give you some pointers on that.

Mariya Takeuchi

Oh, is there something you have in mind that I should try?

DJ Professor K

Well, if you wanna stand a chance against that trio you oughta get to know their tricks! No way you’ll be able to put your best foot forward goin’ into the match blind!

Mariya Takeuchi

Well, what do you know about them?

DJ Professor K

Off the Hook is all about keeping things fresh and new! Off the chain, hip with the style!

Mariya Takeuchi

Hmm… How can I match that kind of style? I don’t think I have a lot of songs that are necessarily “new and fresh” for the future’s standards — if anything I look pretty outdated next to those three! I’ve always preferred a more analog style, after all.

DJ Professor K

Don’t overthink it now! There’s nothin’ wrong with your music, sometimes you just gotta spin it in a way more people can understand! Somethin’ as simple as that could send those votes straight through the stratosphere!

Mariya Takeuchi

Huh. In that case, do you think I should step forward with future funk? It’s all very new to me, but that style might just be the sort of thing you’re talking about…

DJ Professor K

Hey, you might just be onta somethin’! I’d say it’s worth a shot, maybe it’s somethin’ you wanna think about before getting into your next match.

Mariya Takeuchi

All right, thanks for the wisdom, Mr. K! I’ll be sure to consider what you’ve suggested!