*Pearl is lying on a bean bag chair in the dressing room face-down. Marina walks in.*
Knock knock…
[muffled] What do you waaant…
Just wanted to check in. You okay?
[muffled] Nooooooo…
[sigh] I know, Pearlie… it’s hard for me too. I guess we just lost the following after last time, huh?
You’re honestly starting to worry me. You’re usually never this quiet.
…Why even bother? Why do I need to put in the energy to be angry? Why should I put in the energy to do ANYTHING anymore? 2nd place, 32nd place… it’s all the same JUNK! All our efforts up to this point, for what… NOTHING!
That’s not a healthy way of thinking, Pearlie… Do you have any idea how many people we make happy by just BEING in this tournament?
Do you have any idea how many MORE people hate our stinking guts because of everything we’ve done so far? People have been rooting for us to lose this whole time just because we came in 2nd last time! We’re Public Enemy Number One of the tournament, and look where it got us!
Why are you thinking about those people? They’re not the ones who matter! What matters most is acknowledging the people that DO care about supporting us, and wanting to see us succeed! If you give in to the comments of people who don’t believe in us, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.
Don’t you see, Pearl? We’re only going to be hurting ourselves by letting these negative thoughts consume us. I believe in us. Paruko believes in us. Thousands of Off the Hook fans around the world believe in us, and that’s why we’re here today!
Please don’t be mad, Pearl… I just want you to be happy. I’m not doing this for myself. I’m doing this for you because I care about you.
Hey, hey, Knock knock! O-Oh shit… sorry, am I interrupting somethin’? I can come back la-
No, no! You’re fine, Professor! Come on in!
Groovy! Hey listen, girls, I’m really sorry about what happened out there. I really hoped y’all would place better, but y’all had a lot going against you.
I appreciate it, K. It’s fine, we’re slowly coming to terms with it.
Well, I’m happy to hear that, because I’ve got someone who wanted to see you guys too.
H-Hi, everyone…!
Mariya?! What’s going on?
What do you want…?
I… just wanted to say that I hold an immense respect for you girls. You showed me all of the amazing things you’re capable of out there… all the things that Professor K warned me about… you did not disappoint me, and you certainly did not disappoint your fans.
Look, I appreciate the compliments, but I don’t need your pity. I know you’re just saying that to make me think we had a chance.
Pearl… hear her out. She’s speaking from the bottom of her heart.
A-ah… I’m sorry, I do not intend to make you two feel worse! I only want to make things right… for your sake.
Mariya’s right, Pearl. You can’t let one rough patch like this bring you down. You gotta look at the bigger picture here. Back in the first tournament, EVERYONE was talkin’ about you guys. You and the little camera both showed so much promise right from the start, and I saw that in you. You fueled yourself off of that burning passion and made it all the way to the end. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw you girls shred through that bracket. You three won the hearts of all the other competitors watching from the sidelines, mine included!
That’s… really flattering, Professor. It means a lot to us that you’d think so highly of us.
That’s what Mariya sees in you girls too! I had to give her a pep talk before your match because she wasn’t feeling too sure of herself either, and I totally understand that. We all get into our little funks (not the groovin’ kind, mind you) every now and then. We have those moments where the obstacles stacked against us make us question our worth. That’s just the devil’s way of gettin’ into your head, makin’ you think nonsense out of fear.
Pearl, you need to let your passion trump all the other emotions in your head. Only then can you truly realize what you’re capable of.
Bad vibes are demons we all gotta tackle, unfortunately. Frankly, I ain’t havin’ none of that shit in this tournament. That’s why it’s my goal to help my peers out to make sure they see the value in their work, and enjoy doing what they do. I only want to spread positivity to others, just as I’d like others to spread unto me. You see where I’m comin’ from?
Yeah…. Yeah. I think I do.
‘Atta girl. MC Princess don’t give up that easily!
Pearlie… is there something you want to say to Mariya?
Huh? OH… right. I’m… really sorry for snapping at you like that. You were amazing out there, and I don’t want you to feel like your victory wasn’t hard-earned…
It’s okay! As long as you three are happy, I’m happy. I really look up to you, and I want to support you in any way I ca-
Good luck out there, champ. You’d better make us proud!
T-Thank you! I will!
Say… I thought there were three of you! Where’s the pink one with the noodly hair?
Paruko didn’t exactly take the news that well either… I don’t know where she is. We haven’t seen her since she ran off after we got the results in.
Damn, well that ain’t good… S’pose you and I got another pep talk to give, ain’t that right, Mariya?
Yes, of course! Don’t worry, we’ll go look for her, okay?
Oh, and uhhh, one more thing. Just so you ladies know, if there’s somethin’ buggin’ you, or if you ever wanna spill what’s on your mind, we’re only a few doors down. You’re welcome anytime.
Will do! Thank you for everything, guys. It means a lot.
For eel! We’ll definitely keep in touch!
No problem, soul sister. Keep those heads up!