So here’s the deal, you two- I’M going to broadcast this live, all across the world, so that everyone can see me- and YOU aren’t going to speak until I’m done, got it? If you cut me off, I’m going to be reaaaallly angry, and you don’t want to see me when I’m angry!!
You’ve been bugging me for SO LONG about doing this- so you know what? Fine. Just don’t take too long, so we can get back to scheduled programming.
Oh, I promise I won’t take up toooo much of your time, puhuhuhu…
Go ahead. I’ll be over here when you’re done.
the staeg is youres monokuna
And here we are! Ahem… SOMEONE START THE MUSIC!
As long as you’re following this tournament, there will always come a point where you wish that something different happened.
Whether they were a 1st, or 3rd, or 5th round loss! Sometimes, you just think that someone lost too soon.
All this time you were preparing to vote for them, and then they just up and lost! What gives?
These are the questions that people don’t ask enough! Instead, they just hope that it all works out, and Hope never works!
People should ask questions! People should be informed!
Some people don’t even know what sources go to who, and it’s unacceptable! Some of them don’t even vote responsibly! Sometimes they base their vote off of solely the arrangements, or “story arcs,” or even the art of the characters!
C’mon, I know that the masses love my sleek, “high quality” body, but none of that is responsible voting at all!
See here- I took time out of my VERY busy day to ask my fellow comrades about this issue.

These lame-o’s couldn’t tell me a single thing! It’s preposterous!
im gonna be reel honenst monobear half of what your saying makes no sense
Hey! What did I say about not talking? Do you want me to summon the mighty spears of Gungnir?!
uhh i gues s not 0_o
Anyway… I suppose I can’t blame some of them. These source lists can get really confusing sometimes!
Here’s an example: which contestant gets, say… “My Disney Kitchen?”
Does Thanos get it because it’s Disney? Does HOBaRT get it because it’s food related? Do Jack Bros. get it because it’s a game published by Atlus?
Wellllll… who done it? Who gets it, huh, HUH?!
These are some of the questions that people should be asking each other!
It’s your right as a fan to know these things! And if someone doesn’t have a good answer, beat ‘em up! Tie them to a laser trap! Put them inside a stand mixer and crank it up to high, I don’t care! Just demand the truth!
Every human should try and strive for knowing the truth. After all, what’s more full of despair than the cold, hard TRUTH! Kyehahahaha!!!