*Johnny mopes around the Gaylord lobby before settling down on a sofa. K.O. takes notice while tidying things up and runs toward him.*
Johnnyyyyy! Johnny, Johnny, Johnny, Johnny! He-heyy there, buddy! How’d your match go?!
Ohh, I see. Trying to collect your thoughts, eh? You must have a LOT going through your mind after such an epic victory! I totally understand. It can be a lot to take in at f-
I lost, kid.
The show’s over. Now I’m just one of those poor chumps watching the tournament from the sidelines. No woman’s ever gonna want me after an embarrassment like this…
B-But… How did he beat you? You’re one of the strongest, toughest, good-lookingest guys I know!
That “Weird Al” guy somehow drew all of the attention to himself. Hard to believe, I know, considering how hard it is for the ladies to keep their eyes off me.
Aw, shucks, Johnny… I’m really sorey to hear that… But look on the bright side! I’m sure you still got a lot of attention from your fans!
What’s it matter now? I’m all washed up. This is the end of the road for ol’ Johnny Bravo, I might as well head back home to Mama while I still have my dignity.
Wait… You’re leaving? You can’t leave yet! What about the rest of the tournament?
What’s the point, kid? All those chumps are just gonna end up makin’ fun of me anyways… Nobody likes a loser.
That’s not true! Everyone here is so nice, and I’m sure that they’d love to continue supporting you no matter what, just like our pals from CN City do!
Listen, Johnny. You’re not the first contestant to get eliminated from the tournament. In fact, you actually did really REALLY well! Even if things didn’t end the way you wanted, you still never gave up the fight, even against your toughest opponents!
What’re you gettin’ at, K.O.?
What I’m trying to say is that you fought like a true hero out there! You fought valiantly for everyone back in CN City, and you showed the audience what it means to be a part of our family! I’m so honored that I had the opportunity to see you get to this point every step of the way!
… Hey, thanks, little man. It means a lot.
So… What’ll it be, will you stay? I’m sure there’s a lot of really pretty girls who would be sad to see you gooooo!
…Well, in that case, I think it’s time to keep this broadcast going! I’m gonna keep giving those cameras a healthy helping of ME!
dud3 i alr3ady ate calm d0wn
Yes!!! I’m so proud of you, Johnny! We’re going to have fun all the way to the end!
I don’t doubt it, kid. And uhhh, thanks for helpin’ me feel better. Can’t flex these puppies if I’m in a bad mood after all. HUH! HAH!
My pleasure, Johnny! OH! I just remembered, I have something to show you!
Whussat now?
It’s my Pow Card collection! I’ve been saving these up for a long time, and look! I’ve finished my King For a Day collection!

Whoa, those are all them other people here ain’t it?
Yep! I love all of these cards so much, but there’s one in particular that beats all the rest!

This one’s my all-time favorite! There’s no other card like it!
Is everything okay? You’re crying!
Crying? W-Who’s crying? I’m not crying! My eyes are just sweating from all that f-flexing… Johnny Bravo doesn’t c-cry.
Hey, whaddya say we go get something to eat, little buddy?
I’d love to! I’m soooo hungry! I hope HOBaRT’s cookin’ up something good!