I Am A Loser

King Dedede

Ah, whadda wonderful pick me up… Escagoon! Remind me who thought of dat idea to get a whole buncha bananas? Such a terrific idea!


It was… um… Donkey Kong, your honor. He kept going on about how wonderful bananas are, don’t you remember? But my lord, was it really necessary to leave all of the peels in the-

King Dedede

The big monkey? Hmmm, maybe he deserves a place in mah kingdom as a-

Hey! Big bird!

King Dedede

Huh? Whos callin’ me Big Bird?

I am, you sorry excuse of a penguin!

King Dedede

WHAT?! What’s the matter with you? Where’d you come from??


Mr. Al, it’s almost the middle of the night, what are you doing awake, you look terribl-

How does it feel to be a bird that can’t fly, huh? Oh, wait, it must feel terrible since you’re so FAT! You’re fat! You’re fat! You’re really really fat!

King Dedede

Ah!!! S-s-stay away! This bird didn’t do nothin’!


Wait a minute. Your highness, he doesn’t have「BEAT IT」with him…

*Weird Al looks away for a moment, distressed.*
King Dedede

Huh? Oh!

*Dedede whips out his hammer.*
King Dedede

You lookin’ for a fight then, pal?

Y-y-yeah!! Let’s do it!!

King Dedede

I’m gonna squash ya!

*Dedede lifts up his hammer. Al flinches in panic.*

Ahhh!! Wait!!!!

King Dedede


… Um… Uh… You’ll be sorry you… Ever tried to hit me, you… Stupid ol’… Freebird… Um…

King Dedede

…what’s da heck is goin’ on with you?

Uh, your life’s a joke! You’re just pathetic! You’re always broke! You’re pitiful!

King Dedede

Hey!!!! NOBODY says that to the KING!


Wait, no! Your highness!!




Stop!! He’s human, remember???


He’s a human! His physique is very fragile, it’s not like yours or mine! You could kill him! Trust me, you DON’T want a murder on your hands, your lordship!

King Dedede

WHAT? Why didn’t ye tell me ‘bout dis!?


I have! Many times-!!

King Dedede

I can’t be messin’ up my reputation with no murder! And dat’s way too much trouble to cover up! Come on, let’s go to sleep, I’ve had enough tomfoolery for one day…


Very good! Very wise! L-let us depart!!!

*They head off. Escagoon turns to Al.*

… My deepest apologies, sir… Have a good night.

*They leave. Weird Al lies wounded on the ground.*

… It didn’t appear… Can’t… Make it come back… It’s really gone… it’s gone… it’s gone…… it’s gone………

*He tries to stand up and falls back down, unable to put support on his arm.*

Ahhgg… I think my arm is broken…

*With difficulty, he manages to stand.*

… I guess… this is it, then… it’s really over.

You’re never coming back…

Well… guess I’ll go to bed then…


…you say goodbye.



I say, hello…

… My god… what…?


Come on, baby come on…



Come on, baby come on!

*Weird Al stares at「BEAT IT」in amazement.*

Are you… singing… to me?


Darling, ooooooh, oooooooooh yes, yes you can girl…


You can try to stop me, but it won’t do a thing…

You’re singing… lyrics from your songs…


Dah! Chika-Chika-Chika-Ah!

I don’t believe it…


You can’t win, child, no, you can’t win, you can’t win, child, no, you can’t win…


I am a loser, I am a loser, baby, I am a loser, baby…

… Yeah.


Maybe tomorrow… Maybe today… Who knows who will win…

Hey, hey, shhhhhhhhh, you’ll wake everyone up!


Stop pressurin’ me, make you just wanna SCREAAAAAAAMMMM

No, stop it you stupid stand! Shut up!!!


The word is out that you’re doing wrong…

What? No, shhhh!!!


The word is out, You’re doin’ wrong, Gonna lock you up, Before too long…

Shut up!!!!


Come on! Come on, you got to stand up! Stand up! Stand up!

I am standing!


… Gonna tell you right, So listen up, Don’t make a fight…

… Are you just… spewing nonsense?

… Maybe you are.


…it’s close to midnight…

Oh. Okay, that’s true.


Now there’s a lesson to learn, stories are twisted and turned…



… Gonna tell you right, So listen up, Don’t make a fight…

Are you trying to tell me something?


The word is out, You’re doin’ wrong…

What am I doing wrong?


I am the damned, I am the dead, I am the agony inside the dying head…

… Um….


This is it, here I staaaand…

Are you saying… you’re my stand? But I already know that.

You’re dead, and you’re now my stand…


You’re doin’ wrong, you’re doin’ wrong, you’re doin’ wrong…

Wait, that’s wrong?

…You’re not dead???

Or no… you’re not a stand!!

You’re not a stand?!?!?!


Happy, that’s you! You made my life brand new…

Oh my god… then…


I don’t want you but I need you… Don’t want to kiss you but I need you…

… What are you?


Show me the passion and feel when I’m by your side… This is the time to discover the dream we make girl…


My life will never be the same, ’cause girl, you came and changed the way I walk, the way I talk…

… You know I’m not a girl, right?


You know I got the hots tonight, Now girl. HEE! HOO!

*Weird Al starts laughing.*

I guess I have a lot to learn about you…


Te quiero, I love you. Say goodbye, say goodbye…



Gotta fly, gotta see, can’t believe, I can’t take it ‘cause… HEE HEE!

*「BEAT IT」fades away. Weird Al smiles. He goes to bed.*