Another Morning Comes




You went to the store to buy apples. That was the last thing you remember, right? Before you were teleported into the present day.

Mariya Takeuchi

Oh yes, that’s right, I was buying apples. And then… everything went white…

*MissingNo and Mariya are alone at the pier. They are taking a break from their current battle which they started a few hours before. The sun is about to rise.*
Mariya Takeuchi

Er… How did you know I was buying apples that day?


I… uh… I’m good with these sorts of things. I thought it would be worthwhile to look into since we’re facing each other now.

Mariya Takeuchi

You looked into why I was buying apples? I don’t understand.


No. I looked into why you were transported here into the present.


…You do know why… right?

Mariya Takeuchi

I thought it was because I was invited to the tournament?


…Well, yes, but not exactly.

*MissingNo’s pixel’s shift erratically.*
Mariya Takeuchi

Oh? Do you know why? It’s been a mystery to me ever since I arrived, I’d love to know!


Well… how familiar are you with…4̷͚̩͔͗̓̏́͆̄͘1̸̹̱̳͓̥̀͊̀̍̍̐̎̾̀̎͘͝4̵̨̬͙̳̖̳̼̻̘̮̰͕̫̐C̷̰̾̂̈́̈́̃͐̂4̸̢͎̻̼̣̮̯̻̍͋̿̽͑̿͋̾͆̅͑̇7̴̨͈̞͕̳̥͕̙̰͙͊̃͛̿̈̎̓̍͐͊̇͘̚͠ͅ4̸̛̮̲̲̀̄̏̓̅͛̊͑͐͗̄̚͝F̸͎̺̱̞̟̰͓͓̲̿̏͊̽̆̍̓͌̈͝͝͝͝͝5̴̤̳̖̳͚̤̼͎͖̻̔̉̄̆̈̀͂̈́͝͝2̶̤̰̖̫̙̳̟̓̈̀̀͒̆̐͛͆͐̆̊̀͋5̵̛͓͔̫̞̥̠͐͊̐̂͊͑͑̾̚͝͠9̶̧̡̢͓͚͎̞͓̞̗̼̊͋͊͛͂̎̎̆͜͝͝5̷̨̡̝̣͔̹̩͍̖̠̺̃̂̑̒̅̐4̸̛͚̝͎͉̈́̉͒̆̾̊͌͌͂̔͝4̸̨̺͔͈̦̣̬̫̹̪̣̼͆̋́͐̑̉̎͊͆͝͝ͅ8̶̧̬̦̖͈̝̦̈́̕4̷̧̜̠̯͇̺̜̥̌̓̀̇̕D̷̡̢̧̛͕͖͎͎̙̜͈͇̽̈́̄̿͆̌̾͘͠5̴̨̨̨̺̙̠̟͈̤͇͔̫͇̫̓̑͑̓͊̎̊̀̊͠3̵̟̤̘́̀͋̋́̄̾͆̊̈́̅̉̈͋͝ ?

Mariya Takeuchi

Excuse me?


… Sorry… It’s hard to explain to someone who doesn’t understand how to…

Mariya Takeuchi

Just try your best. I promise I’ll do my best to understand!


…Let me… show you instead.

Mariya Takeuchi

…Show me?

*The pier around them evaporates away. Darkness surrounds Mariya and MissingNo.*

Show you what you’re capable of.

Mariya Takeuchi

Huh? W-What’s going on?!

*A different environment dissolves around them – a small modest Japanese kitchen. Everything is bright and colorful – except for Mariya.*
Tatsuro Yamashita

Melody… Kimi no tame ni… Hmm, that’s not bad…

*Mariya’s husband, Tatsuro Yamashita, can be seen chopping up some vegetables for sushi. Their dog, Goofy, is fast asleep on the kitchen floor.*
Mariya Takeuchi

Wha- T-Tatsuro!

*Tatsuro doesn’t react to Mariya’s voice.*
Mariya Takeuchi

Tatsuro!! Can you hear me?

*Tatsuro looks up for a second.*
Mariya Takeuchi

…You… can’t hear me… can you?

*Tatsuro shrugs and goes back to chopping. Goofy lets out a long yawn before continuing to rest.*
Mariya Takeuchi

…And I’m still black and white…

*Mariya looks around her home.*
Mariya Takeuchi

…MissingNo, is this an illusion, or are we really back in the past?


That is the real Tatsuro. We’re back in your old time.

Mariya Takeuchi

He looks so… not worried that I’ve been gone for so long?


You’ve only been gone for a few hours from his perspective.

Mariya Takeuchi

…I’m lost. What does any of this have to do with anything?


The song that became popular recently. 竹内 まりや Plastic Love. It now has around twenty-eight million views on YouTube. Do you know how you accomplished this?

Mariya Takeuchi

Oh, I had nothing to do with that…


Actually… you had everything to do with that. You did that yourself.

*Tatsuro chops more vegetables as Mariya listens..*

It’s your music. It has the power to control the algorithm of life in this universe. And with it, you were able to manipulate time and send yourself into the future. It’s… pretty easy, actually. Time can bend a bunch of different ways if you know what exactly to break. But… you don’t really know how to control it yet. You did it on accident this time, I think.

Mariya Takeuchi

So, you think… I sent myself into the future?

*MissingNo chuckles.*

Did you think Notwoodman brought you back from the past himself? He doesn’t have that kind of technology.

Mariya Takeuchi

But, there are so many other strange people here. I thought-

*Mariya processes this. Tatsuro has finished chopping vegetables and is quietly singing to himself.*
Tatsuro Yamashita

Melody, everything is alright… Melody, everything is alright…

*Mariya smiles.*
Mariya Takeuchi

Oh, Tatsuro…

*Mariya’s home fades away… and the pier returns.*

…I could teach you. If you wanted.


Your powers are kinda similar to mine. And there are so many more algorithms you could control than just time or YouTube. I think you have the potential to do some pretty cool stuff. But… But I can only teach you this stuff if –

*MissingNo’s pixels swarm.*

I’ll only teach you on one condition.

*It grows slightly in size. Its pixels thicken.*

I want to win.

Mariya Takeuchi

…You… what?


You heard me… I want to win.

Mariya Takeuchi

I thought you didn’t?



Mariya Takeuchi

…So what?


So, do you accept?

Mariya Takeuchi

…Hold on, let me get this straight. You want me to purposefully lose our current battle so that you can win, and in exchange, you’ll teach me how to do something I might not be able to do?


Yes. That’s a fair deal, isn’t it?

*Mariya smiles.*
Mariya Takeuchi

Darling, that’s called bribery.

*MissingNo shrinks back to its normal size.*
Mariya Takeuchi

Bribery isn’t a very nice thing to do.

*Silence. MissingNo broods. Mariya giggles.*
Mariya Takeuchi

Did you really think this through?



Mariya Takeuchi

Well, we’ve both come so far. It wouldn’t be fair if one of us cheated our own way to victory now, would it?


But don’t you want to win?

Mariya Takeuchi

Of course I do! But it’s not so important to me that I’m going to make a shady deal with you under the table for it.


…But I want to win too… We can’t both win!

Mariya Takeuchi

…I thought you didn’t want to win?

*MissingNo doesn’t respond.*
Mariya Takeuchi

Didn’t I hear that you tried to get yourself eliminated?


I… still wouldn’t mind that… to be honest…


I’m sorry. I’ve caused so much trouble during this tournament. So much has gone wrong and it’s all my fault.

Mariya Takeuchi

How do you know that? Not everything can be your fault!


Yes it is. Everything I touch becomes a buggy mess…

Mariya Takeuchi

Oh, come now…

*Mariya gives MissingNo a pat.*
Mariya Takeuchi

If what you’re saying is true about me having these “reality-bending powers”, then maybe some of it’s my fault.


I doubt it.

*They share a silence.*
Mariya Takeuchi

…Why do you want to win, MissingNo?

*MissingNo’s pixels shift. It shrinks a little.*

…The same reason you want to.


…To be seen.

Mariya Takeuchi

It’s okay to want that, you know.


…Isn’t that…why you want to win?

Mariya Takeuchi

Oh, well… I…

Mariya Takeuchi

For me, it’s not really about being seen. It’s more… um… I think it’s more about sharing the music of my friends and myself. But it might be nice to explore outside of my comfort zone, too?


…That sounds nice.

*Another silence.*
Mariya Takeuchi

…Hey, did you- I feel really c-cold all of a… s-s-sudden…

*Suddenly the water around them freezes solid.*

…That’s strange. I don’t usually freeze water like that without meaning to.

Mariya Takeuchi

Haha, see? Not everything you change is bad. Don’t worry!

*MissingNo thinks for a moment, then smiles, looking at the ice.*


Mariya Takeuchi

Come on. Let’s go inside and get back to the match.

They head back, following the glow of the streetlamps.

Another morning comes.