The Crown of Destiny

It’s just another lunch break in the Gaylord cafeteria, and everyone’s got quite the appetite.

…and then Elmo said to Mr. Adam as he was leaving the hotel lobby, “It ain’t easy being Levine!”


WAAAHAHA! I hope the door didn’t hit him on the way out!

Dr. Piccolo

I would hope so…I took a look at his medical records and I don’t believe his insurance covers that…

Jack Black

Hey now, let’s not pile up on somebody when he’s not here to defend himself!


Waaaa…maybe he should have done better in the tournament then!

Jack Black

Hold that thought…I need to get a refill for my drink-

*Jack’s phone suddenly rings, and the “Take Off and Octagon” ringtone he just set on it reverberates throughout the cafeteria*
Jack Black

Hang on, I gotta take this. Elmo, you can keep these fellows company while I’m gone, right?


You can count on Elmo, Mr. Jack! Even more than the Count does!

*Jack meanders into an adjacent hallway and hits the ‘answer’ button , and none other than his Tenacious D bandmate Kyle Gass picks up the phone*
Kyle Gass

Is that you, Jables? Where have you been my dude? I’ve had to cancel THREE Tenacious D shows on the Post-Apocalypto Tour! You have NO IDEA how EMBARRASSING it is to have to feature Amy Schumer as the opening act!

Jack Black

Yo, Rage, I’m real sorry about what happened and all, but I told you weeks ago when I received this invitation that I was gonna be gone a while! Hey, have you met my lil buddy Elmo yet? He’s always down to help me find some octagons!

Kyle Gass

Yes, I suppose that’s great and all, but I’d just like to know when you’re coming back!

Jack Black

Rage…I was hoping to break the news to you a little later down the line, but I’d rather tell you sooner than later: *I’m not coming back.*

Kyle Gass

Wha…hah…I can’t believe I just heard what came out of your mouth, Jables! Only *I* can quit the band, remember??

Jack Black

It’s true…When I first arrived here at the Gaylord Hotel I was blissfully unaware of my true destiny.

Kyle Gass

Your…true destiny?

Jack Black

Rage Kage, you’ve been with me when we strummed the Pick of Destiny, there when we smoked from the Bong of Destiny…and now, it has become my ultimate mission to wear the Crown of Destiny and extend my influence throughout the entire globe!

Kyle Gass

But wait…what about everything we’ve gone through to come as far as we have! Our meeting with the devil! Our *second* meeting with the devil! Our ASS TATTOOS! Jables, destiny is what has linked us together all these years! You can’t sit here and tell me that you’re going to disregard our FATE!

Jack Black

Rage…I lasered off that tattoo before I wrote me and Elmo in for the tournament…

Kyle Gass

Jables, I can’t believe I’ve spent the last 30 years of my life working with you to become the Greatest Band in the World…only to see it crashing down for the absolute stupidest reason I have ever heard of! What do you have to say for yourself?

Jack Black

You might as well start looking through the classifieds, Rage- er, Kyle, because my destiny is far greater than our continued partnership can handle-

Kyle Gass

You know what, I’m gonna stop you right there: I QUIT! AGAIN! AND THIS TIME WE’RE *NOT* GONNA BE BACK TOGETHER!

Jack Black

That’s nice…and maybe when Elmo & I become Kings for Another Day I’ll throw you a loan or two…

Kyle Gass

You won’t have to do that, you filthy traitor! While you horse around with that furry puppet freak, I’ve already found me a new job as Maroon 5’s touring guitarist!

Jack Black

That’s great news, Kyle! Now that Adam’s out of the running, you two will have all day to rub your dicks together-

*Suddenly, a door farther down the hallway swings open, and Meowth and Hypercam both emerge*

Hey you, could you keep it down over there? Hypercam and I are trying to rehearse for the next interview!

Unregistered HyperCam 2

if ur volum is 2 loud u will damage ur speakerz lol

Jack Black

Oh, uh, sorry! I’m calling my mother before our next match!

*The door shuts again, and Jack holds the phone back up to his ear*
Jack Black

Sorry, Kyle, but my time runs short. I wish you luck with anything you decide to do in the future.

Kyle Gass

No, this is not going to be how it ends! We were going to lead as two kings! I will have my reve-

Jack Black

Well…that was certainly a conversation I wasn’t expecting to have so soon. I ought to check back with Elmo and see how he’s doing.

*Jack goes back into the cafeteria to find the Wario Partners, Elmo, and Dr. Piccolo deeply engaged in a poker game*

Welcome back Mr. Jack! Ooh ooh! Mr. Wario told me this is his favorite game, so we decided to play! It is so much fun! Elmo doesn’t think Wario’s very good though, because now he has 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 fantastic pieces of Wario’s garlic!


Wahhrrgrgh…blast that red menace! Do they teach folks to be card aces on Sesame Street?

Dr. Piccolo

You might have been able to stay focused more if you didn’t push 6 pieces of garlic all in on the first hand!

Jack Black

Elmo! I’ve been trying to tell you not to say adult words or play adult games! Sorry, but Elmo’s coming with me!


Don’t worry, friends! Elmo’s always ready to play games!

*Jack and Elmo leave the cafeteria and head back towards their hotel room*
Jack Black

Now’s not the time to play silly games! We have to prepare for our next match!


Hey Mr. Jack? Elmo heard you talking very loudly outside the lunch room! Did something happen?

Jack Black

…Adult talk. You’ll have plenty of ‘em when you get older, but that’s not important now! We have to train vigorously in order to receive the Crown of Destiny!