Wrestle on, Nico Nico.


Ready to see how Nico is doing, Hypercam?

Unregistered HyperCam 2

i am :( i hpe she iz doin ok.

*Meowth knocks on Nico Nico’s door.*

Ah yes! Come in, I was waiting for you two! Or as my fellow brothers would say, “Get your ass down here now boy!”


Uhhhh, that doesn’t sound like Nico at all…

Unregistered HyperCam 2

i… hrd that vioce b4

*Meowth opens the door, Nico Nico’s screen shows live feed of a rather muscular man.*

W-Who are you? What are you doing with Nico’s screen?

Billy "Aniki" Herrington

It is I, Billy Herrington, and I would like to bring you and the viewers a message.


Start recording Hypercam! Let’s see what he has to say.

Billy "Aniki" Herrington

Dear all King for Another Day fans, fellow brothers, and all Nico Nico Douga fans alike. I have come to bring a very important message. Thank you. It doesn’t matter that Nico Nico has lost the tournament, what matters the most is that Nico Nico Douga being in has made many fans happy. Even if you aren’t someone who cheered us on, what matters is that you’ve cheered others on. These others are loving your support. Nico Nico Douga isn’t just a name, it means something, something very special. It means smile, and that’s what Nico Nico did in this tournament to many, even if not enough to defeat other contestants, the many remixes and music brought to the tournament for fans made people smile.

Billy "Aniki" Herrington

To Johnny Bravo, your muscles were a force to be reckoned with, my friend. You’ve shown us who the boss of this gym really is. You were a part of childhoods of many, and that shows with the voters. I wish you the best of luck.

Billy "Aniki" Herrington

And to all the fans of Nico Nico, your dedication to never giving up has inspired others to do the same. My saying, “Ass we can”, doesn’t need to apply for us to win, it applies to never giving up. Time and time again, we have shown that we never gave up, and that we tried our hardest, and that’s what really matters. Just because Nico Nico has been eliminated from the tournament doesn’t mean you won’t see more rips in the future featuring its sources. Who knows, you may even see me again. It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey, and the journey has brought us a long way my friends. Never forget the good times you’ve had together, because at the end of the day, that’s what makes you smile. Thank you, and god bless.


I… I may need to be alone for a while… I think I got some garlic in my eye. Must be from Wario…

*Other familiar faces start to show up at the door.*

Hey, what’s going on here? Can’t you see an elder is trying to sleep? Wait a minute… You’re that guy from the invitation that brought me here, aren’t you? I can’t thank you enough, the food was super delicious.

*Sakamoto bows.*

I-I couldn’t help but notice the same. Even though the Jazz Cats were super mean to me, I think I finally realized my purpose of being here. After this tournament, the Light Music Club and them are gonna have a battle of the bands! I’m still a bit nervous, but after I heard your speech, I am less nervous than before. Thank you, nya~


If it weren’t for you, I don’t think I would’ve got to meet my new best friend, Buttercup! She’s super cool, and now we are gonna hang out pretty often! When our cities aren’t in danger, of course.

Billy "Aniki" Herrington

Don’t just thank me, my friends. Thank all the beloved Nico Nico Douga memes that have a special place in people’s hearts. Without them, Nico Nico and you wouldn’t be where you are today.

*Nico Nico’s screen switches between many popular memes and late 2000s animes for several minutes, before a final screen collage appears.*
Unregistered HyperCam 2

plz st0p im hrt enugh tht nico lost…th3s tearz r damag1ng my crcuits ;(


Yes, these words are too touching for me to handle… I think I may have stained my microphone a little… Just wrap it up now, if you will please!

Nico Nico

*Static* ♂ WRAP IT UUUUUUUPPPPP ♂ *Statics back to Aniki*

Billy "Aniki" Herrington

I must go now. I hope you all remember my words, and take them to heart. Nico Nico Douga, forever! Yugamenaena!

*Nico’s TV screen begins to static for an unsettling amount of time.*
Unregistered HyperCam 2

n-…nico? nico1! plz b ok,, dont go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;(((((((((((

*The sm666 demonic hand grabs the screen.*


Unregistered HyperCam 2




*Nico’s screen goes back to normal.*
Nico Nico

おまたせ ・∀・

Unregistered HyperCam 2

nico ws that a prank trololololo

Nico Nico



That wasn’t scary. You guys just aren’t very tough… wait, Azunyan?




Oh, c’mon now, cheer up! it wasn’t real, you should get some backbone!

*Nico Nico plays clips of Yui Hirasawa.*

*sniff* Yui… We are going to put on the best performance back home! Aniki was right! A-… Yes we can!


That’s the spirit!


Well… This was quite the touching moment, but I really don’t have much more time for this, thank you all for reading! Man, I really got to wipe my eyes.

Unregistered HyperCam 2

i cant c out my lens…thnk u an1ki and nico… a** we can.

Nico Nico

♂ AS-


Ooookay, you can cut the feed now, Hypercam, we’ve heard enough. See you next time, folks!