
*The cafeteria, before the semifinals. Adam is sitting at a table eating by himself.*
Pharrell Williams

Staaand up and maaan up! The one time it’s cool to fall! In looove…

*Adam keeps looking at his food.*
Adam Levine

Pharrell Goddamn Williams. What do you want?

Pharrell Williams

Nothin’ much, I just wanted to chat with the face of one of the greatest bands in the world! You don’t mind, do you?

Adam Levine

I do mind. Actually, I’m not hungry anymore. I’m gonna go.

*Someone touches Adam’s arm. He looks to his left and glares at Quote.*

… [You feel intimidated, but confident.]

Adam Levine

Hey, it’s you. What are you doing here?

Thomas Bangalter

He’s gonna eat with us. You know him?

*Adam sees the robots and Pharrell with their lunch plates.*
Adam Levine

…yeah, I do. We meet regularly at-

Thomas Bangalter

Oh yeah, that “First Round Losers” group, right?

*Adam suddenly stands up.*
Adam Levine

What, got something to say about it?

*Guy-Man shakes his head rapidly.*
Thomas Bangalter

Oh no no no no no! Don’t get the wrong idea!

Pharrell Williams

We think it’s amazing that you get to, uh, you know… get friendly with people here! That’s great of you, Adam!

Adam Levine


*Everyone sits down. Quote sits next to Adam.*
Pharrell Williams

Say, Adam, have you been following the tournament lately?

Adam Levine

Not much. What’s there to follow at this point?

Pharrell Williams

Well, guess what: I lost.

Pharrell Williams

You heard me! We got eliminated.

Thomas Bangalter

Hey, you look surprised. What’s up about that?

Adam Levine

Well, I was expecting you to win it all.

Thomas Bangalter

That’s nice of you! Thanks!

Adam Levine

Don’t thank me, I’m actually jealous as all hell. This audience is fucking backwards. The cream of the crop, Will Smith, Pitbull, even me, all eliminated at Round 1. And for whatever fucking reason, you got a pass.

Pharrell Williams

I thought you didn’t care about this tourney, Adam!

Adam Levine

I, uh… I don’t care as much as you. Why should I care when I already sell millions of albums? I don’t need this fuckin’ crown.

Thomas Bangalter

Well, we don’t need it either. We’re mostly here for the fun of it, y’know?

Adam Levine

Easy for you to say now that you’re out.

Pharrell Williams

Exactly! We blasted off, we ain’t invincible! But I got this liiiiittle feeling that you care a tiny bit more than you assume, Adam.

*Adam sees Quote smiling at him.*
Adam Levine


*They eat for a moment. Guy-Man leans at Thomas and whispers.*
Guy‑Manuel de Homem‑Christo

(T’as remarqué ? Adam n’est pas parti ! Tu ne trouves pas ça étrange ?)

Adam Levine

I heard that. Drop the damn facade, French bot. What’s up with me?

Thomas Bangalter

Oh, that’s nothing important! We’re just noticing you keep eating with us! That’s nice of you!

Pharrell Williams

Yeah! Didn’t you say I was a dick back when we started this whole thing?

Adam Levine

Don’t get on my nerves.

Thomas Bangalter

Sorry, sorry! We’re just finding it interesting you keep eating with us despite not having any reason to. Or… it might be because of that lil’ robot guy? What do you think, Quote?


Thomas Bangalter

Oh! Uhhh… yeah, that’s right. I may be a robot, but I can’t read through circuitry yet. Even if you just answered, I don’t think I’ll be able to understand…

Adam Levine

Well, he communicates by other means…

Pharrell Williams

Huh? How do you know that, Adam?

Adam Levine

Weren’t you listening? I know this kid!


…! [You are surprised. You’ve never seen Adam getting interested at other contestants like this before.]

Thomas Bangalter

Oh yeah! You met Quote before! And it seems that you enjoy his company, given you didn’t leave the table yet!

Pharrell Williams

Yeah! You may claim you don’t care about the tourney and the contestants… but you didn’t say anything when Quote sat next to you! It’s just like he’s your best friend or somethin’!

Adam Levine

You shouldn’t get the kid doin’ dirt. I don’t want him to feel overexposed.

Pharrell Williams

Wait, are you… sticking up for Quote there?

Adam Levine

Shut your ass up, P!

Pharrell Williams

What’s happening to you Adam? That’s not like you at all… Are you changin’ clothes?

Adam Levine

I’m the same as I ever was, P. And just because I know the kid, that, uh… that doesn’t mean I’m his friend! How can I call someone my friend if I met him just a few days ago? I wonder how you ever managed to get picked in a jury with such poor judging skills, P. But hey, you’re Pharrell Williams, you just used clout to get there, so I’m not surprised.


… [This is starting to feel an awful lot like that one dinner…]

Thomas Bangalter

Guys, stop fighting for crying out loud! I sense Quote is heating up a bit… I know how that can damage circuits! Relax a little!

Pharrell Williams

Maybe Adam’s having a bad bad day-

*Adam slams his fist on the table.*
Adam Levine

There’s your opportunity to get a funny line! I fuckin’ hate you, P.

Pharrell Williams

Hey, I was just messing with you a bit! But if you take it personal, that’s okay!

Thomas Bangalter

Pharrell, you should maybe take it a bit slower… Adam didn’t warm up to you yet.

Adam Levine

Why do you keep trying, bot. Pharrell is such an attention seeker, no wonder why he chases collaborations left and right. Twenty years of career, only a bunch of songs to call yours! Where does your fame even come fr-

*Adam gets shoved by Quote.*
Adam Levine

What the FUCK, man?

Thomas Bangalter

Quote? What’s up?


… [You know Adam is better than this.]

*Silence. Quote looks at Adam with determination. Then Adam sighs and leans a hand on his head.*
Adam Levine

I can’t do it, kid. There are things I appreciate in you and the others in your group but… I’m talking to Pharrell Williams right now. Tell you what, I must get out before I make anything worse here.

Thomas Bangalter

But why do you hate him so m-

Pharrell Williams

Thomas. That doesn’t matter. Sorry about that, Quote.


… [At least you tried.]

*They continue eating.*
Thomas Bangalter

Yeah, Guy-Man, you’re right. I’m gonna miss this place.


… [You’re gonna miss this place too.]

Thomas Bangalter

Can you believe we’re almost at the end of the tournament? It went by as quickly as a Tron light cycle.

Pharrell Williams

It was fast, but I’m so glad I got to meet so many of my childhood idols there! Thomas, thank you so much for bringing me here!

Thomas Bangalter

No problem, P! What about you, Adam?

*Adam keeps eating, ignoring Thomas. Quote touches his arm again. He lets out a heavy sigh.*
Adam Levine

…Yeah. I didn’t give a shit about this whole gig at first but… I bet my heart there’s stuff in here that I’ll miss. I didn’t get along with everyone either, and this tournament won’t ever change my opinion of Pharrell here, but at least I found some other people I think I could get along with just fine.

Thomas Bangalter

I’m fine with that answer, Adam. I’m glad to hear that.

Adam Levine

I still can’t digest the fact I got eliminated so quickly though…

Pharrell Williams

Adam, I’mma tell you, that was a disgrace. How could you lose so quickly when you had fuckin’ Weezer in your source list?

Adam Levine

You’re a judge too, don’t you know this? In any tournament, there’s always gotta be some people who will drop out without a win.

*A beat.*
Thomas Bangalter

That was… surprisingly deep, especially coming from you.

*Adam looks at Quote.*
Adam Levine

I got some inspiration from a few, uh… pals.


… [You feel content.]

*All five finish their meal.*
Adam Levine

Well, see you around.

Pharrell Williams

Hey Adam, I just wanna say…

Pharrell Williams

Your collabs were great. You said it, I’m a collab specialist. And I judge that you’re great at them too!

*Guy-Man begins to hum Stereo Hearts. Adam lets out a sigh once more.*
Adam Levine

I don’t care about what you think of me. My opinion of you three didn’t change anyways.

Thomas Bangalter

We weren’t expecting it to, we just wanted to thank you for sticking around.

Adam Levine

…I missed the conversations since I left my band. That’s all there is to it.

*Guy-Man thumbs up. All part ways from the cafeteria, now empty. Before Quote leaves, Thomas calls him.*
Thomas Bangalter

Hey, Quote, mind if I ask you something before you leave?



Thomas Bangalter

So, here’s the thing. A few days ago, I ran into your girlfriend in the halls. Wait, uh, is she your girlfriend?


Thomas Bangalter

Yeah, you’re right, that doesn’t matter. But I noticed she was eavesdropping on a conversation I had with another contestant at the hotel bar.


…? [You wonder why Curly would spy on Thomas of all people.]

Thomas Bangalter

I don’t know if I should tell you who I was talking to. He’s someone who likes to stay discreet, and I’m sure he-


…! [You got all the information you need!]

Thomas Bangalter

Hey, wait! Where are you going?

*Quote runs to a wall, rips off a tournament poster and brings him to Thomas. He points at Snake in the picture.*
Thomas Bangalter

Huh? Snake? Yeah, I remember you dunking him back at the restaurant. Sorry to bring that episode back up, but-

*Quote shakes his head. He points at Thomas and Snake together, back and forth.*
Thomas Bangalter

Oh! Wait… Your robot friend was-

*Quote nods.*
Thomas Bangalter

…wow. You’re a quick thinker, Quote. That’s right, I was talking to Snake, and I indeed mentioned what happened in the cafeteria…


Thomas Bangalter

Oh, don’t be silly! What happened at the cafeteria doesn’t change my opinion of you whatsoever. I’m sure you had a good reason for that amazing dunk you did.


… [You feel reassured.]

Thomas Bangalter

Hey, Quote. I know something is up between you and Snake. But since we were talking about you, I can let you in on it a bit.

*Thomas whispers something into Quote’s ear.*


*Thomas keeps whispering.*

…! [You now feel much calmer about this. You’ll just have to wait and see what happens now.]

Thomas Bangalter

So yeah. I’ll let you decide if you want to tell that to your friend or not. But wait, you can’t talk… How will you do it exactly?


Thomas Bangalter

You probably already have that figured out. But I just wanted to say one last thing, Quote. I don’t know why you aren’t able to talk, but if I lost my voice, I’d rely on touch a lot more to communicate. Just like what you did with Adam at our table, or with Snake back then. Just like humans do. Even though we’re robots, there’s still a part of human in us after all…


… [Obtained the Reference. You’ll add it to your growing collection.]

Thomas Bangalter

See you, Quote. Take care!

*Thomas leaves Quote to join his team. Before Quote leaves, he hears singing across the cafeteria.*

A room within a room
A door behind a door
Touch, where do you lead?
I need something more
Tell me what you see!
I need something more…