What do ya mean they aren’t here yet?
What I mean is what I’m saying! The Jack Bros. aren’t here yet, and the interview was supposed to start 15 minutes ago! We told them to be here on time!
Sire, I found them!
Well then what are we waiting for? Let’s go get them squirts back ‘ere so we can start this interview and be done with it! I have important business to take care of later, heh heh heh!
Hey, Jack. Don’t you think it’s strange that you’re eati-
Psst…I think it’s best if we don’t tell him.
Hee-ho! I love playing games and eating ice cream with you guys! W-hee should do this more often, ho!
Er…can me play game too?
Huh? Uh, sure… Just let me finish this level first.
There they are!
You guyyyyyyyys! We told you to be at the studio on time!
yeah nt cool get it togthr
Sorr-hee… Time flies when you’re having fun, ho! Right, Mothman?
Yes. Me must fly.
Snail is mine now. Goodbye.
Hee-hey! That’s not what I meant! Ho-no…
Hey! Tell your knucklehead friend to put Escargoon down!
They’re headed for the top of the Gaylord Hotel!
Grrr… This is all your fault, you little jester lookin’ thing! I’m headin’ up there to get my assistant back!
I’ll go too, ho!
Heh heh heh heh! No way I’m lettin’ you accompany me to the toppa dat dere hotel!
Hee-nononono-ho! I’m coming with you whether you like it or not! I want to see what they’re doing up there!
Psst… HyperCam… There’s no way I’m going with them all the way up there; you go with them and record everything that happens, OK?
sure lol ez content
~~~~~~~~~~~Gaylord 0F, Entrance~~~~~~~~~~~
Alright! We’re taking the elevator up to the- WHAT?!??!! ALL THE ELEVATORS ARE CLOSED FOR MAINTENANCE? SURELY YOU JESTIN’!
W-hee gotta take the stairs! Let’s go-ho!
Stop blabbering obvious junk! I wanna know what your friend out there is doing to my assistant! H-he don’t eat snails, right?
I’ve s-hee-n him eat stranger stuff, ho… Hee’s not the brightest…
Wait a minute… Hey! Who’s that lookin’ at us ova der?
No no no! I mean the odda guy!
Eh, forget it! I ain’t got time to deal with strangers! Lemme show you how a real king gets up to the top of this hotel lickity spit!
~~~~~~~~~~~Gaylord 1F~~~~~~~~~~~
You sure talk a lot of hee-ho for someone that’s out of breath after 2 sets of stairs!
Hey! And why are ya holdin’ onto my shouldah? Get off and walk on your own!
So self-hee-sh, ho…
~~~~~~~~~~~Gaylord 6F~~~~~~~~~~~
*Huff*… Ugh… Maybe… Maybe we gotta take a little break…
Aw, let’s just screw it! Hee-ho! They’re probably not doing anything that important.
Are you kidding? I can’t have that mongrel out of my sight, what if he goes off and dies on me? I’d be in shambles! I’d be no match for my next battle!
You mean our next battle, ho?
Wha-y-yes! But I’ll deal with you vermin later; first I gotta… Get up these…
Hee-ho ho ho! You wouldn’t even survive a single night in Tartarus, ho! How are you f-hee-ling, little camera?
UNLIMITED STAMINA HACK FUNCIONANDO 2019. c u at the top lol ;)
Hey! T-that’s… *huff* …Cheatin’!
~~~~~~~~~~~Gaylord 13F~~~~~~~~~~~
Hee-ho! We finally made it to the roof!
I-is that Escargoon cryin’ I hear? There better not be anything wrong with him once I open this door!
Look at this!
What the? Escargoon! I think he’s tryna attack you!
King Crazy!
Hee-hey! That wasn’t necessary, ho!
Me am pain… Again.
Oh! It’s you! I-It was horrible, Crowny.. H-he just wouldn’t stop trying to get me to dance…
OOOOooooo… Me eyes feel heavy…
Grrr… Alright, We’re leavin’! And we’re takin’ this boombox with us, heh heh heh! As for you two goofballs, I’ll clobbah ya’s for makin’ us wait when we have that match of ours! Right now, we gotta get to that buffet so DK doesn’t eat all that food again before we get dere!
i think we better take mothman 2 da doktor again
Hee-ho… Don’t go the way of the Grognak, budd-hee!
Heh heh heh! The look on everyone’s faces when they finally got to the buffet only to see that it was already gobbled up by none odda than me! They gotta understand that I’d like to have a slice of that coconut cream pie too sometimes, y’know!
T-the other contestants didn’t seem too happy that you did that, Your Majesty…
Heh! They don’t scare me none! Hm?
Hey! Escargoon! Who left this fancy card on my bed? Whatzit say? “Smash your Mouth”?