Evening folks! Today we will be reinterviewing one of our first victors of this tournament, Mr. Krabs!
🦀🦀 robotnik is gone! 🦀🦀 its vry sad tho :(
So, Mr. Krabs, do you have any comments on your victory against Robotnik?
Arkarkarkarkarkark! That buffoon was just dancing around me like one of Squidward’s interpretive dancing sessions. Speaking of Squidward, I need to make a quick call, one moment.
…um, alright, but make it snappy!
Oh don’t worry, I can make it *snappy* alright! Arkarkarkarkarkark!
Ahoy, Squidward! How’s me Krusty Krab? Still makin’ money?
Couldn’t you have you called later, Mr. Krabs? I’m taking my daily relaxing spa bath!
Mr. Squidward, I’m not paying you to take fancy baths!
You barely pay me at all! Don’t worry, everything has been fine down here in Loserville. Now if you excuse, I will be getting back to my shampooz-
Squidward, what’s that laughter I hear?
Don’t worry, it’s just Spongebob and Patrick doing something idiotic. Like usual.
Anyway, you better be taking care of me restaurant or I’m cutting your salary in half again!
Everything is under contro-
…Squidward? Are you still there lad?
…Mr. Krabs, can we get back to our interview?
Ah right, so what’s the next question ya got for me?
Our next question is about your next opponents, Daft Punk and Pharrell Williams.
minion or da bob fo 2day
I wouldn’t want SpongeBob mistaking me as one of those bots! Arkarkarkarkarkark! Also that Pharrell… he seems a bit too happy to see me.
I see, well let’s get to our next ques-
Good evening! KRABS!
Oh, for the love of – Wobbufett, escort that little pest out of here!
Oh, that won’t be needed. I just wanted to let Krabs know of a new allegiance I’ve made…come on out, big guy!
Hello there, you cash grabbing crustacean! I’m here to reclaim what is rightfully mine!
What the scallop!
omg robitnik! pengas pepngas :))))
That’s right, Krabs! Me and this fellow genius have joined forces to destroy you! We call ourselves EVIL!

You persistent Plankton! I call us “The Robotnik Team! and Plankton”!
What? Are you trying to dismiss my importance to this allegiance?!
Importance? Hah, you make me laugh! After I was promoted to leader, you’ve become just another lowly minion to do my bidding!
Minion?! Who do you think you are bud?! I am the brains here!
You’re the brains alright, but you know what I enjoy on a nice breakfast? Some CHOPPED PLANKTON BRAINS!
THAT’S IT! I can’t take this anymore! I’d rather surrender to Eugene then work with you EVER AGAIN!
*Robotnik crushes Plankton.*
FINE! Have it your way, you pancaked pest! I’ve exhausted my hate enough today! You win this round, you crustaceous cheapskate!
Arkarkarkarkarkark! Nice try Plankton, but it seems you may need to rethink who you work with.
Mark my words, I’ll get you one day, Krabs!
Well, that certainly was something. It seems that’s the end of this interview folks! See you next time! (Wobbufett, could you scoop up that little stain on the rug there?)