h3llo evry1 2day w r her3 wit j0nny bruhvo & niconico 4 da reintervuew
That’s right, folks! Now let’s see, Nico and Johnny, you bo-…Hey, what are you two doing?
Whoa, mama! Now this is some programming that I could get behind.
Hey! Knock that off you two, and keep the content at an E rating will ya?! We’ve got an audience reading these interviews!
Awwww, come on! I was enjoying that show! Where’s the remote to this thing…
Anyways! Nico and Johnny, you bo-
Man, I’m bored of this interview stuff. If I can’t watch TV, I’ll just show these viewers Johnny’s sweet body instead! Hoo! Ha! Oh yeaahh. Huh! *pose*
Uh, Johnny, you might not wanna do that around Nico…
How come? Does this little TV happen to be a little lady? Ah, I get it, she won’t be able to handle my sweet pecks. Ain’t that right, pussycat?
lol ths gnna be gud
…Whoa. This mama’s packed. Is this thing even a mama?
Ugh, we JUST fixed that damage! *sigh* Whatever… Can we please move onto the questions? No more muscles, or flexing! While we’re at it, I’m tired of these guest appearances too! From now on, one guest per interview! And this rule applies especially to you, Bravo!
Uh, yeah. Whatever you say little cat man. I only rang up one of my friends this time, anyways. *Johnny gets on the phone.* Hey, uh… call it off Double D. Call it off. *Johnny puts the phone down and clears his throat* Yep. Only one.
Hey! Can someone tell me who THIS is?
Me? Who are YOU? And why are you a smaller, more uncool version of ME?
Johnny… I just said… ONE guest at a time, PER contestant.
Uhhhh. Sorry little man, but that anime lookin’ chick isn’t from me.
Nico? Well I mean, I… guess it’s fair… but can’t you two see how much of an inconvenience this causes?
Is this little chump supposed to be the American version of me…? I mean, I guess that’s pretty cool. I’m still totally cooler than you, though.
Oh yeah? We’ll see about that! I bet you can’t even fly faster than me!
H-hey speaking of that, don’t fly around in the studio, please…
You can call me tiny all you want, but in my universe, I kick more butt than you ever will!
Ha! Please, I doubt you could ever say you’ve controlled a giant mecha before. I even have the power of transformation! Where’s YOUR belt? Are YOU able to do that, huh?
can u ride m3tal ajeet p1e lol
アイ テノゴール www
Oh yeah, that’s right! I can speak Japanese, too! Can you do that? あなたはとてもクールではありません!Ha!
I have no idea what you just said, but I bet you were saying how much you secretly think I’m cooler!
Now now, girlies. No need to fight over me. Come back when you’re a little older, and maybe you can have some of this for yourselves! Ha! *pose*
♂ Do you like what you see? ♂
Ohhhh, it’s on now! C’mon mama, show me them pecks!

♂ Two can play it! ♂
You know, I… How is it that I can’t do a single interview without something weird happening? Ever since Round 1 it’s been getting worse! Can I at least ask you guys how confident you are in winning the losers’ bracket?
♂ A-
Nope, had enough of that quote.
Don’t worry, I’m used to being rejected. I’m sure all the mamas watching from the sides regret voting anyone but Johnny Bravo, anyways. They’re gonna carry Johnny all the way to the top, no one can beat looks this good!
♂ ASS ♂ WE ♂ CAN ♂
Well, I for one think Nico Nico is a lot cooler. At least people over on the douga know who I am. I can do a whole lot more cool things over there than you can at least!
Are you forgetting that you’re just some Japanese version of me? If you can’t realize Johnny over here is representing your original history, than you are aren’t just uncool, you stink!
[ ⚆ _ ⚆ ]
You know… for having the guts to say that to me… you may be pretty cool after all.
Wait, r-really?
Heck yeah! Wanna go eat some Lucky Captain Rabbit King Nuggets at the food court?
Of course! That’s my favorite cereal, high five!
im gettn emtional… enem1es turnd in2 fri3nds…gud luk, nico!
Good luck, Johnny!
And good luck to you, Nico!
Hey, whatever happened to you cheerin’ me on?
Ugh… Well, at least I got to ask a single question. Hope you all enjoyed this interview, good luck to both of you! And please, next time, don’t invite multiple guests!
no plz get mor3. ths was an exp1rence,, leik if u cry everytim