welcom friends. were bak 2day with anoter k4ad interview
That’s right! We’re live once again from Studio Gunner, here to interview Solid Snake!
This is Snake, reporting in. Is this conversation being monitored?
Well, there are plenty of SiIvaGunner fans that read these interviews on the Mojo, so I guess you could say so.
Anyways, first question! How does it feel to be participating in the tournament once again?
I was born to fight, so I don’t mind it all. And by the way, it’s fortunate that I’m only being monitored by fans and not the Patriots or something.
hey snake how dose it feel 2 b talking 2 teh winner of k4ad ;]
You did a good job for a camera, but I don’t think I’ll get booted so early this time. Expect the unexpected. I’ll hit before you even know what happened.
Alright, next question! Since I’m personally curious about this, what might’ve inspired the new outfit? It’s a pretty snazzy look, I must say!
I decided to take inspiration from Mr. Kojima and his past works. He’s a highly skilled individual after all, and trenchcoats always look good.
I see! Say, do you think ya got any more of them fancy coats lying arou-

Snake. Sorry to bug you, but I think we- hey, wait just a minute. Where are you, Snake?
Damn it, Otacon, I’m busy!
Hey, what’s the big idea here?! We’re live right now, Snake, hang up whatever this phone call is supposed to be!
Snake? Whose voice is that?
relax 4 a minut mewoth. helo strangr y dont u introduc urself
Wait, Snake, are you in the middle of your interview with SiIvaGunner right now?
Yeah, but that’s not important. What were you calling me for, Otacon?
Oh! Marvelous! I would love to introduce myself. My name is Hal Emmerich, but you can call me Otacon. I’m a good friend of Snake’s, and a big fan of Japanimation.
He’s also the type of coward to piss his pants in the face of battle.
Hey! We don’t have to talk about that here, Snake!
wel nice 2 mete u otagon. im hypercam2
I know! I’ve been a huge fan of the channel ever since “A Manic Announcement” back in 2017.
Ugh.. well. I guess that’s alright since HyperCam doesn’t seem to mind. We’ve gotta continue this anyhow. Next question, Snake. How do you feel about your opponents for the first round, Pitbull and the Aliens?
Hrmm… I remember seeing Pitbull at Walmart sometime before the first tournament. His music is pretty cool, and he’s definitely an impressionable guy. Can’t say I remember enough about those aliens from that trio, though. They seem pretty hostile for what they are.
You’d be right to think so. The aliens go by the names Popoy and Marcianto, and they’re both well known for being party freaks. They didn’t make it very far in the first King For A Day Tournament, but they make for quite a challenging opponent now that they’ve teamed up with Pitbull.
How did these aliens end up forming an alliance with Pitbull anyways? Is Mr. Worldwide part of some secret, extraterrestrial government project?
Uh, we should probably stay on track with who this interview is about now!
Ah, sorry about that. I think I’ve gotta get back to work anyhow. Good luck out there, Snake, and thanks for having me Unregistered HyperCam2! I must say, it’s a real honor to meet a legend such as yourself.
thx. its ben a plesure 2 mete u 2 octacon
Okay, let’s wrap up this interview now! Snake, are there any final thoughts you’d like the leave the audience with?
I wish everyone the best of luck. Also, make sure to watch your back.
Sounds great! Thanks for tuning in folks, we’ll be back next round with another interview!