A King’s Regalia – Crown Interview

Unregistered HyperCam 2

helo every1 2day we hav a special guest!


You got that right HyperCam! Today we have one of the most fan requested interviews! Introducing the…. King for Another Day Crown!


So, why do you think you’ve been the most requested by fans to interview?

Continue reading “A King’s Regalia – Crown Interview”

How To Cheer up a Snake

*Outside. It’s night. It’s cold.*

Look! There he is, da-don! Mr. Snake!


And he’s alone…


Yuck! What’s that smell?


He’s smoking a cigarette. It’s a grown up thing, don’t worry about it.


Smells nasty, da-don… he must not be very happy if he’s doing something that smells so yucky…

Continue reading “How To Cheer up a Snake”

The King for a Day Tournament

*The scene is the Gaylord Hotel’s night bar. Adam Levine is sitting in a comfortable chair. He’s on the phone.*
Adam Levine

…Yeah, Mickey, can’t believe I accepted their gig as contestant. Seriously, pitting me in front of literal cats and having them win is pretty humiliating.

Adam Levine

…Nah, they said they already had judges. I really wonder what kind of judges they were, I mean I have experience.

Adam Levine

…Yeah, thank God this tournament isn’t seen by millions. Just some nerds who were hating on me to begin with.

Adam Levine

…I mean, apparently it was the head honcho who wanted me in. But who cares about him? I lost immediately anyway.

Adam Levine

…Don’t worry, Mickey, I’ll be back soon. Nice. Thanks. See ya.

Continue reading “The King for a Day Tournament”

A Secret Meeting

*Unregistered HyperCam 2 is sitting on the pier outside of the Gaylord hotel looking over the Potomac river. It’s dusk – the sun is about to set. He is browsing YouTube.*
Unregistered HyperCam 2

lmao bill wutz y dnt we invit u ur so cool

*The video starts buffering. The page crashes. Then the browser crashes.*
Unregistered HyperCam 2

o ok tim to get ths bread

*Unregistered HyperCam 2 looks around. No one is there.*
Unregistered HyperCam 2

hmmmm how we gona talk if i don no where u r

Unregistered HyperCam 2


Continue reading “A Secret Meeting”

Understand the Concept of Despair

*DJ Professor K is chilling outside the Gaylord enjoying a large strawberry fruit smoothie. He’s listening to bangers on his ol’ pair of headphones, bopping his head to the music.*

DJ Professor K

Bum ch-bum – bum – bum…

*Suddenly Monokuma appears. Professor K takes off his headphones.*
DJ Professor K

Well look who it is! Sup, bear.

DJ Professor K

…everything cool with you?

*Monokuma gives Professor K a devilish smirk, saying nothing*
DJ Professor K

…Somethin’ on your mind? Spill the beans.

Continue reading “Understand the Concept of Despair”

HOBaRT Gets a Visitor

*HOBaRT lies in a hospital bed at the nearby HOBaRT maintenance center recovering from his recent battle. His metal casing is battered and warped. An IV pumps HOBaRT juice into his huge massive body.*

*A small plopping sound approaches. HOBaRT recognises it immediately.*


*The door swings open to reveal Isabelle holding a neat bouquet of flowers.*

HOBaRT! Wow… you really did take a beating, huh?




Well… I hope you don’t mind some company! I brought some flowers to lighten up the space. These maintenance factories can get awfully dull. There’s nothing like a little room decoration to brighten up your mood!



Continue reading “HOBaRT Gets a Visitor”

Contract Negotiations – Daft Punk and Pharrell Reinterview (ft. Thanos)

Unregistered HyperCam 2

woww cant beliv it! votin is harder, erri1 is beter, tiem gos fastr n contestns get strnger!


What a wonderful and fitting introduction, HyperCam! We’re here with Daft Punk and Pharrell one more time for an interview! How are you feeling?

Thomas Bangalter

We’re feeling good! Well, for robots at least. This tournament is fun so far, we like it here!

Continue reading “Contract Negotiations – Daft Punk and Pharrell Reinterview (ft. Thanos)”

The Yappy Tournament’s Paragons of Magnificent Virtuoso

*The cafe, quite busy. Jack & Elmo are sitting at a table, training. A big shadow approaches them.*

Ho ho ho, ho ho ho, stop, stop, stop!

Jack Black

You got a nice rhythm going there, little buddy!

Dr. Robotnik

Ohhhh, look who’s there thinking they’re the new hot sensation in town.

Continue reading “The Yappy Tournament’s Paragons of Magnificent Virtuoso”

Fight The Power! – Metal Ajit Pai Reinterview

*Studio Gunner is shaking violently*
Unregistered HyperCam 2

meowth im scared i dont wana die


Calm down, buddy. We’ll just wait out this earthquake and hopefully it should come to an end soon. The Studio is built to withstand stuff like this so we should be fine.

*One of the ceiling lights falls*

…Okay, we should evacuate before anything else happens.

*As Meowth and HyperCam evacuate, they hear Ajit Pai and some other characters yelling at them*

Is that the best you could do, Chair Man!?

Continue reading “Fight The Power! – Metal Ajit Pai Reinterview”

Party’s Over… ~ A Heart-To-Heart with Off the Hook

*Pearl is lying on a bean bag chair in the dressing room face-down. Marina walks in.*

Knock knock…


[muffled] What do you waaant…


Just wanted to check in. You okay?


[muffled] Nooooooo…


[sigh] I know, Pearlie… it’s hard for me too. I guess we just lost the following after last time, huh?


*Marina kneels by Pearl’s side. Pearl turns over to look at her.*

You’re honestly starting to worry me. You’re usually never this quiet.


…Why even bother? Why do I need to put in the energy to be angry? Why should I put in the energy to do ANYTHING anymore? 2nd place, 32nd place… it’s all the same JUNK! All our efforts up to this point, for what… NOTHING!


That’s not a healthy way of thinking, Pearlie… Do you have any idea how many people we make happy by just BEING in this tournament?


Do you have any idea how many MORE people hate our stinking guts because of everything we’ve done so far? People have been rooting for us to lose this whole time just because we came in 2nd last time! We’re Public Enemy Number One of the tournament, and look where it got us!

Continue reading “Party’s Over… ~ A Heart-To-Heart with Off the Hook”